World Holidays, but mostly U.S. holidays 👻
Look at disks and devices
  • sudo fdisk -l
  • fdisk for creating, deleting, resizing, changing, moving partitions on a hard drive
  • f stands for fixed disk or format disk
  • /dev/sda are device paths or available DISKS
  • dev stands for device paths
  • sd is short for SCSI mass Storage Device
  • Under each will be partitions
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Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)
- How much loss is experienced during one negative incident?
- Multiply Asset Value (AV) by the exposure factore (EF)
- $24,000 * 12.5% = $3,000

Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO)
- Expected number of yearly occurrences

Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE)
- Total yearly cost of b
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Group of words with a meaning not deducible from those individual words
Scale and chord patterns for major, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales.
fiber-connector-types.png 497 KB
1. ST connectors: These connectors are the most common type of commercial fiber optic connector. These connectors utilize an exposed plastic tube housing the optical fiber.

2. SC-Connector: SC is short for Subscriber Connect is one of the most frequently used conn

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Story  -  Task    -   Bug
     \              |              /

Epic - Goal or large user story
Story - Typically development work and focused on the user's perspective ("User Stories")
Task - Often maintenance and operations work
Bug - Defect in
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# shared model methods( callbacks, validates, scopes, associations) - instance and class

module Item  
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
  # instance associations, scopes, validations, callbacks, methods, private methods  
  included do    
    belongs_to :user    
    has_many :collaborations, as: 

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